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Client Experience

What To Expect


The nature of intuitive practice creates a natural ebb and flow that can be enlivening and energizing — even surprising. Relaxing into that flow will make the best use of our time together and help you integrate whatever new insights we discover as we take a peek into the cosmos.

“Without a doubt, Leah is one of the most present, fearless, committed, and patient healers on Earth.”

~Tanya Lewis

How To Prepare


Come to our session with a clear, concise direction to start our time together. Some examples of this might sound like:

— I am curious about exploring my own intuitive abilities. Can you help? 

— How can I get out of this negative financial cycle?

— I need help discerning how to help my children through a difficult time.

— What is the next step for my career?

— My partner and I are having a hard time connecting. How can we find each other again?

Every request and curiosity is welcome, so don’t be afraid to ask for insight about whatever it is that you want to understand. Oh, and don’t forget your sense of humor! Spirit has a great way at helping us laugh and take ourselves a little less seriously.

“Leah has the unique ability to bring out the best in her clients and their lives.”

~Mark Menke

Next Steps


Owning the knowledge that comes through in our sessions is key to the work we do. Most clients receive homework assignments at the end of our sessions. This serves as a practical tool to help fully integrate the information you receive during our time together. 

After our session, we will determine how to proceed in terms of future appointments and what comes next. You are your own best guide, so we will always defer to your own good judgment. 


“Leah has helped me process grief and loss, questions about career, identity, and my relationships. She helps me tap into the courage I need to live an authentic, joyful, fully-embodied life.”

~Abby Buchanan